Sunday, October 25, 2015

A lesson in apples

Mr. Cooper's farm is tucked away in the hills here in the Finger Lakes and is a dear family friend. 
Mr. Cooper was Justin's Scout master once upon a time and remains close. In fact when Justin restarted Pack 29 Mr. Cooper's grandson and great grandson joined us and has help create an amazing pack. 

But the best part is he is willing to teach the kids and us about farming. This fall we finally went apple picking. 

The kids and I had a great time searching for apples and learning the history behind his orchard. 

Desmond was thrilled to climb trees and eat his fill on fresh produce.

We even found evidence of bugs :D

Marley learned that the best apples are not always the picture perfect one.

Sometimes the best apples might have scabs or a small bruise, and if it really is not perfect for eating then it will make great apple butter and apple sauce because they are the juiciest. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Post surgery

Desmond's surgery went great and I am planing on later trying to get a post up for the Apple rolls I made. This week has been non stop running. Sunday through Tuesday Desmond was sick, so I have a soup recipe to share at some point. I got sick and then we go better just in time for surgery. I have a  camp out I am going to plan and hopefully next weekend share about, we actually have 2. We have been trying to sell popcorn every weekend. I also have been working on organizing thing and plan on trying to share about that soon. :) Not forgetting about anyone I have been taking pictures to share every step of the way.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Avocado smash sandwich

I love avocados. They are the best food in my books. I eat them seasoned and sometimes just out of the shell. I love them. I have not tried the fries yet, I had one incident where I tried it cook with an egg. It could have been the egg but that was awful and never again will I try to make something that will ruin such and amazing piece of fruit. 

So this was a quick simple lunch and took me less than 5 minutes to make. May have taken less had I not been telling Yasser how I ate this all the time while pregnant her. I also made he father go out in a horrible snow storm to get me stuff to make this once. 
Poor Justin, I still feel bad 6 years later, not at the time though. Never mess with a pregnant lady and her cravings. 

You need: Avocado
Salt and pepper
1 garlic clove
A few tomato chunks 
Asiago cheese
1 can of tuna 

Peel the avocado and dice. Place in the bowl add cheese, salt and pepper and the lemon. Gentle mash
( I love chucks so I do not make it smooth).

Add onion, tomato, garlic and tuna. Mix together and place in side the bread. Now this is ready to eat and enjoy. Quick simple meal.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hidden Gems: Ithaca Earth museum

We went to the Paleontological Research Institution and its Museum of the Earth in March for a Babcock- Hovey Alumni event. This was the best school/ fun trip ever! It was still winter at the time (I really don't think winter ever ends here in New York) so we did not get to explore any of the outside sections that I heard can be great. I want to get back and give it a try during the summer months because it was truly an amazing experience.

When you first arrive you get to see this beauty from above and later from the bottom as well.

We cam across a ton of information on fossils and the formation of Earth. 

The kids thought is was cool seeing what use to be live insects. 

Critters in jars.

There is a section that the kids can search for fossils and even take home any they find.