Saturday, July 25, 2015

Changes are coming...

So while on vacation we decided major changes in our lives were needed. Which has its own positives and it can only go up from here right? So I have a ton of thing I am working on typing up but not the stuff I had originally planned. I am working out all of my lesson plans for next years girl scouts, cub scouts, and homeschool so those will be coming soon. We also have been working on a list of things we would like to see done over the next few years which lead to the decision to move in a cheaper rental so we can save for a house. It has been a long few years working on our credit and we are almost there finally so now the last step to owning a house will be that lovely down payment but in order to do that we need to save which is hard when you live so tight each month. So we have been searching for a new rental and may have found it. Yay!! I have also decided that I need to start making more money so I am working on adding my crafting, Pamper Chef and Jamberry consultant to my list of things. I promise I have not forgotten anyone. Just caught in a whirl and working out a new schedule for myself. Hope everyone has been having a great few weeks!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day 2 of our childless vacation.

Well we have been in Gettysburg since yesterday. The internet has been spotty so we will have to see  how many pictures get post. My packing for the kids did not go the way I planned so one of our family trips will have to be my post on packing for special needs.  Justin and I got to go visit with friends we have not seen in 2 years and ate at our favorite Greek restaurant. I think that has been the highlight so far. I was going to take a picture of our food then remembered about it half way through my chicken souvlaki and at that point it was to late. If you are ever in Frederick, Md you have to stop at Athens Greek  Restaurant and Pizza. In a little while we plan on starting our hiking and hopefully a ghost tour.  :D

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Bridging part 2

For our Bridging we want to do something special and remarkable each year. We decided on mini piñatas filled with confetti and glitter with the patch on the inside. 
Do not try to do this project quickly because it needs time to dry and if you do fringe that is another painstaking process. 

Items needed: 
Card stock
crepe paper
hot glue gun 

First you need a templet: Which I found here 
Print the templet out on card stock to save a step other wise you need to transfer your templet to card stock. 

 In the small square center which will be the bottom you need cut out a square so you can have a "door" that pulls open. I put the crepe paper but only glue at the exterior edge because I wanted the center to not be crazy strong.
Now for the fringe paper. I cut a ton of paper and then fringe the entire thing so when I glued it on it would look nice. 

Then I made my bottom. You need to use the hot glue or super glue or something so the cord stays attached to the bottom when you pull the "door". Otherwise this will not work and you will have kids staring at the piñata trying to figure out what happened. 

 I glued the paper on in a pattern using the girl scout green and white. I also somehow managed to line it all up too.
 Glue it on all of the sides and set aside to dry. Do not try to use a heat gun to speed the process up this resulted in almost burning my house because apparently this is extremely flammable.

 Now we trim the sides so the fringe is not in the way of glueing the sides down.
 I very carefully snaked the string through the paper on the bottom and closed it up
 Then you get the two sides glued together and let it dry.
 Now is the best part fill with glitter and confetti. We even put our bridge in so it would fall on the girls. At least in theory it would.

 I learned how to make this better for next time and am glad the girls had fun. I am not 100 % sure I want to do it each bridging ceremony big they take so long to make and clean up but the girls loved it.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Upcoming weeks

Sorry everyone I think this week and next week I will not be on my usual schedule. I have a lot of prepping to do over the two weeks. We just bought a freezer that I plan on stocking. We will take pictures along the way about what is going in  and the cost. I might get lucky and stock the pantry as well then I really have a amazing post for everyone. We are also prepping for vacation. The kids are going on a camping trip with other family so I will have post about prepping for that. Everything I put together and how I pack their stuff and when they get back I will have pictures they take and their thoughts. Then Justin and I will be kid free so we are going on our vacation for the first time since our honeymoon. I will write about Gettysburg for our hidden Gem. In between all the chaos I may post pictures at least but it depends on what is going on.