Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Yasser my baby is not so much a baby anymore. She turned 5 in February ending our preschool era with her. I say this like I do not have two more really young ones or like I am never going to see her again.

I know we live in a world where everyone bad mouths everyone. After common core I really refuse to send my kids to our public education.  At least at home we learn at our own pace and explore what we really want.

I still have to submit stuff to the school system and I have a list of things I need to do and it is hard work I am not going to lie. But it is all worth it. I do not have to worry about school shootings which seems to get worse every year. Common core or testing are not major concerns either.

Upon her 5 birthday we started girl scouts and by started I mean we ended up starting a troop. When I met my co-leader we instantly connected. Both of us deal with special needs, special food needs, working towards an all natural and homeschool.  I know you are thinking I am crazy but homeschooling was the best thing I can offer my kids.

We get to do all kinds of fun and exciting things. Our classroom really has no bounds and its great. When we go hiking or camping it is our science class room. With Girl Scouts we learn health and friendship. Our trip to the market is math and cooking.

Doing all of this I know I am raising independent children that will succeed and one day not be afraid to be different.

Every now and then I will talk about an idea or thought about homeschooling because this is a huge part of our lives. I have spent 3 weeks writing lesson plans and figuring out books to read and go with our lessons. In the beginning I was concerned because I felt maybe I was doing something wrong by daring to be different. I receive harsh criticism every now and then from people I know and it can be hard and heartbreaking. But watching my daughter so excited to learn something our exploring topics that is not common to a 5 year old I know I made the right decision. It helps finding other moms going through it all too. In the end you create a learning environment that will truly teach and mold young minds. 

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