Monday, June 2, 2014

Very berry Cherry Pie filling

 Sorry the picture is a tad over exposed, but lets face it you really wanted to see was the filling right?
 Very berry cherry all of summer's yummy treats cooked down and made even more perfect with every bite.

This is the easiest thing to make, like my 3 year old could do it. I even used my vegan pie crust. You know the one my husband does not like but loved with the filling. 
I used Trader Joe's frozen Berry Cherry frozen bags. For this batch I only used one because I was only filling my pie half way but you should use two for a whole pie.

16 oz (2 cups frozen, or 1 cup thawed) bag
1/2 cup raw sugar
 Now cook it down. 

 Cook down until it thickens. Pour into a pie crust and that is it. You could also use fresh berries and toss with the sugar and 2 tablespoons starch ( corn, potato or tapioca) and cook it in the pie. When I try doing it that way I never wait long enough for it to cook right so ow I make sure my filling is cooked all the way.  DO not forget this recipe is a half batch of filling please double if you are not topping it with something. ENJOY!!!

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