Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hot coco!!

For most people it is almost summer. Hot weather is just around the corner and you are ready to pull out your swim gear and cool off but here we still are having cold spells. Thankfully it finally stopped snowing. I thought April showers sucked but I would have gladly traded our snow for a down pour any day. Yay upstate New York! Now we love hot coco. My kids choice breakfast drink and dessert drink and if they could convince me for lunch drink. When I decided we would go process free I did not think about having to replace our hot coco and so far only my husband seems to not love it. I know this jar looks tiny but trust me its not. This is an 8 cup mason jar and it holds just enough coco for barley a month. I have learned I love it in my coffee. (vanilla coffee, homemade vanilla creamer, Kaluha and coco mix... mmmmhmmm makes me want another cup today) I let the kids mix this because they thought it would be fun and it gave them one hell of a work out. In my food processor I dumped 2 cups coco powder and 1 cup chocolate chips and finely chop it. Then I dumped it in the jar. Next was 2 cups dried milk (sweetened dried milk is the best) finely process and then dump in the jar. 
Last is the sugar you can skip the processing part if you use powder. I use raw sugar and make my own powder sugar by grinding as fine as possible. (My middle one has food sensitivity and overly process food affect him which is what started our process free journey.) Then shake it. I put on "shake it like a polaroid picture" and made it a game with the kids, as soon as the music stopped the next person got it. I should have recorded it and loaded it on youtube because it was extremely entertaining. But that was the end of making the mix. I use my Keurig and 2 scoops (roughly two tablespoons) with 6oz water and a shot of milk ( they like it creamy and warm not hot). I think it is better than what I was buying in the store and a lot cheaper. 

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