Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hidden Gems : Clifton springs

I love living in the Finger Lake region because their are hidden gems everywhere and not just wineries. We spend  a couple hours Mondays and Tuesdays in Clifton Springs for a speech therapy for Hulk Man. 

While he is in group Yasser and Mr. Man walk around with me exploring the tiny little creek area with the pound. This has lead to so really cool pictures since we have found tons of animals in that tiny area. 

 I have not looked into the whole story or history behind the pond but I have read that a grateful patient donated the mute swans in 2007. We have been waiting paitenly for the cygnet (baby swan) to hatch. 
 We also found some turtles and they have Koi fish in the pound as well. 
 The pond also has mallard ducks. 

One day after group we took Hulk man to see the swans and ducks. I swear he has to be some sort of animal whisperer because the swan was eating out of his hand and following him. Later he did it with a few ducks as well. I am looking forward to trying these walks more with the kids and learning the history.  

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