Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Splashing in the rain

People forget the little things in life sometimes, even I do it. We feel like the only things that will make our kids happy are things that come out of a box new from the store. I was never that bad then after losing Mya I just got crazy. For years my kids have gotten almost everything they wanted. I bought so many toys that my house could compete with a toy store. Over the last year I realized they didn't need all of it, they didn't even need half. Most of the time we are not even using the toys. They just sat. One of our favorite things to do is exploring the great out doors. Sometime the weather does not cooperate and you know what? That is okay because slashing in the rain can be so much more fun.
 Some where between me growing up and my kids growing up, people stopped letting kids just be kids. People are so concerned about the next big bug that they failed to realize that we are destroying our futures. Kids are the next generation they need their imagination, creativity and ability to explore.

Not just splashing in the rain and jumping in mud puddles. It is about taking them outside letting them run and jump off things. Letting them discover how to make the perfect mud pies. 

Gill- G pretended to be I think a crab. Whatever it was we were highly amused watching. 

We need to go back to a time of allowing kids to be themselves and explore the world. I look forward to what splashing in the rain leads to. 

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